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Jimins Artistic Influence Reaches New Heights

Jimin-Inspired Art to Grace the Louvre

Jimin's Artistic Influence Reaches New Heights

In a testament to the global impact of BTS and Jimin's artistic prowess, an exhibit showcasing Jimin-inspired art will be featured in the renowned Louvre Museum in Paris, France. This unprecedented honor recognizes Jimin's exceptional beauty and serves as a tribute to his artistic influence.

Jimin's Portraits Adorn His Father's Café

In addition to the Louvre exhibit, famous portraits of Jimin are now displayed in his father's café in Busan, South Korea. These lifelike paintings capture Jimin's captivating aura and provide fans and admirers with an up-close glimpse into his artistic beauty.

Jimin: A Muse for Contemporary Artists

BTS Jimin's captivating features have become a source of inspiration for countless artists worldwide. Their artwork features on official promotional material and will be showcased at the Louvre, a testament to Jimin's status as a true muse in the art world.


The recognition of Jimin-inspired art in the prestigious Louvre Museum is a testament to BTS's global reach and the profound impact Jimin's artistry has had on the world. As one of the most celebrated figures in contemporary pop culture, Jimin has proven himself to be a captivating subject worthy of artistic expression. The Louvre exhibit is not only an honor but also a celebration of Jimin's unique beauty and his enduring legacy as an inspiration to artists and fans alike.
